A dog, tethered to a pole, extends a paw toward the approaching cop, reaching out for the help that has arrived to rescue him.

  Officer Angela Laurella was dispatched to a report of two dogs chained to poles on a dead end street in Pompano, Florida. Nobody knew how long the dogs had been there or…

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Rescuers come across a frightened, injured pup, desperately trying to hide from humans inside a bag.

   The fearful puppy simply desired to be alone! Animal Aid was contacted due to an injured and sick puppy who is terrified of people. They immediately hurried to save the puppy, and when…

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The neglected dog, sick and starving, devoid of shelter and sustenance, finds solace in the only warmth available amidst the squalor of an unclean dump.

The story of this unhappy little dog should make us reflect on the tens of thousands of dogs who are abandoned each year. Every year, selfish and inconsiderate people abandon up to 50,000…

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Unámonos para rescatar a este pobre perro en extrema necesidad, hambriento, deshidratado y reducido a piel y huesos.

El perro caminaba por las calles buscando migajas de comida. Era diminuto y frágil, con un pelaje enmarañado y sucio. Sin embargo, cuando se acercaba a los humanos, estos lo alejaban con palabras…

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Abandonada en las calles, deambulando y buscando ayuda, finalmente encontró el amparo de una mujer compasiva.

¿Compré un nombre para un par de pobres perros callejeros que deambulan con grandes tumores? Voy a ayudar y finalmente la compré. Este pobre canino con un tumor enorme puede pesar hasta 6…

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A stray dog, afflicted by the largest tumor ever seen, tormented by pain, distraught, and losing hope in life, yet receiving no aid.

 Those who left her alone have really no heart   Her name is Magnolia, a dog that teaches the world that hope never dies. It’s not simple to walk about with a six-kilo…

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A man rescued a husky teetering on the brink of death and, through his dedicated care, transformed her into the most stunning and beautiful dog imaginable.

Rico Soegiarto was driving home from work in Denpasar, Bali, when he discovered a very starved, bald Siberian Husky half-buried in the road. The dog’s body was covered in wounds, making it difficult…

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Despite illness, a serene Golden Retriever calmly accepts an oxygen mask, defying instincts in a remarkable display of composure.

Fred’s previous owner was not fond of him. He forced him to sleep outside, and no one cared when he became ill. Even the shelter was better than the place he’d been living…

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Dos pitbulls no deseados buscan consuelo mutuo en el refugio y, al final, encuentran juntos un hogar para siempre. Es una conmovedora historia de compañerismo y pertenencia.

Se enfrentaron al mundo abrazados y al final terminan adoptando como pareja. Así vivían dos perros que fueron rescatados de la calle y se encontraron en una caja de refugio. Y fue siempre…

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Un cachorrito, con el pelaje chamuscado, deambulaba por un jardín. Sin embargo, con el amor y compañía de una nueva amiga, recuperó su brillo y espíritu.

Pixie Princess apenas era reconocible como un cachorro de pitbull cuando huyó de su “hogar” y entró en el jardín de un extraño. Se le había caído todo el pelaje y su pequeño…

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